Monday, January 11, 2010

Is it War?


We need to remember the following facts:

While Muslim population remains around or under 2% of that of any country, they will be seen as a peace loving minority, and not as a menace against the rest of the citizens. That is the case of US (0.6% of Muslims); Australia (1.5%); Canada (1.9%); China (1.8%); Italy (1.5%); Norway (1.8%).

[That's why Fort Hill is pictured as an exception].

With a Muslim population between 2 and 5%, Muslims will begin proselytizing among other minorities and unhappy groups of the place, often with big recruitments in prisons and in street gangs. That is happening in Denmark (2%); Germany (3.7%); United Kingdom (2.7%); Spain (4%); Thailand (4.6%).

[But we shouldn't forget terrorism: that develops at the same time: Spain and Thailand, on the first line].

Above 5% of Muslim population, Muslims have a disproportionate influence considering the percentage of population they represent. For example, they will insist in the introduction of halal meals (cleaned accordingly to Islamic law), employing themselves then as handlers for Muslim meals. They will begin pressing supermarkets and distribution firms to offer haal meals among their stands, menacing them is they do not. This is happening in: France (8%); the Philippines (5%); Sweden (5%); the Netherlands (5.5.%); Trinity and Tobago (5.8%). They will also make pressure on Govt to let them be regulated only by Sharia Law, the Islamic Law, inside their ghettos, being the last goal of Islamists to establish Sharia in all the world.

When Muslims are around 10%, they normally make anarchy grow as a method of complaint about their situation in that country. In Paris we have seen the unstopping riots with burned cars and street furniture. In this situation, any non-Muslim action offends Islam and results in more riots and menaces as those of Amsterdam after opposition to Mohammed cartoons and films against Islam. These tensions are seen on a daily basis, particularly in the Muslim quarters of Guyana (10%); India (13.4%); Israel (16%); Kenya (10%); Russia (15%).

To understand the actual amount of these percentages, we have to consider that the Black population of the US represents 13% of the total population.

After the percentage have grown up to a 20%, nations could hope for frightening riots, Jihadi militia’s creation, sporadic murders and churches’ burning. Examples: Ethiopia (32.4%). When that percentage gets to a 40% of total population, the nations begin to experiment generalized massacres, chronic terrorist attacks and unstoppable wars between militias, like Bosnia (40%); Chad (53.1%); Lebanon (59.7%).

In countries in which total Muslim population rises to 60%, there are countless persecutions against non-believers of the rest of the religions (including unorthodox Muslims), sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocides), use of Sharia Law as a tool and the establishment of Jizya, the “infidels tax”, as happens in Albania (70%); Malaysia (60.4%; Qatar (77.5); Sudan (79%).

When the Muslim population reaches 80%, we can hope for intimidations and violent jihad against non-Muslim population, some kind of ethnic cleasing carried on by the State, while they expell the ever diminishing Infidel population, as they are headed towards the target of a 100% Muslim state, as it’s happening already or has happened by now in Bangladesh (83%); Egypt (90&; Gaza (98.7&); Indonesia (86.1%); Iran (98%); Irak (97%); Jordan (92%); Morocco (98.7); Pakistan (97%); Palestine (99%); Syria (90%); Tajikistan (90%); Turkey (99.8%); United Arab Emirates (96%).

When they finally reach a 100% of Muslim population, the Peace of “Dar-es-Salaam” (Paradise of Islamic Peace) begins. Peace is supposed to exist now as everyone is Muslim, the only schools are Madrassas and the Quram is the only word, as happens in Afghanistan (100%); Saudi Arabia (100%); Somalia (100%; Yemen (100%).

More report:

Christians are fleeing from Middle East, where they get beheaded and their churches burned (T&P adds: they also get persecuted by Islamic Mafias). More than half of the Lebanese Christians have fled. In Iraq, the main Christian Chaldean church was destroyed: his value is similar to the Bamiyan’s Buddhas but it was much less mentioned by the MSM. There are martyrs who are never mentioned, like Brian Savio O’Connor, Indian Catholic who was imprisoned and tortured in Saudi Arabia for preaching the Gospel (Or the kidnapping and murder of Archbishop Rahho). Monsignor Antoine Audo, Chaldean Bishop of Aleppo, maintains openly that “the fanatics want to get rid of Christians finally” (and he is not the only one who has said that). Of 700,000 Christians, more than half have fled from Iraq.

In Ethiopia Christians are murdered every day (violence is increasing). In Egypt, Copts can’t even build churches nor repair them and pay dhimmies’ taxes (and if they want to build “prayer rooms”, they are rewarded with death fatwas). In Sudan, from 1992’s fatwa, which says that “a non-Muslim is a non-believer who opposes to Islam’s expansion and the latter gives freedom to kill them all”, women and girls’ rapes, infidels’ murder (more than 2 million till today) and slaves’ capture have boomed. In Nigeria, the church, the mission and the village of Gani were attacked and the Christian teacher Danyaro Bala killed in 2006: and the situation is worsening. In Somalia, as a measure against the Pope’s statement considering that Islam is imposed by force, an Italian nun and Consolation’s Missionary, was murdered.

In Indonesia, en 2005, three Christians were beheaded in 2005 because they didn’t want to convert to Islam. In 2006, there was an official execution of three Christians accused of planning attacks on “believers”. In Philippines and in East Timor -video- (assault in 2007 to the orphanage of San Juan Bosco in Baucayn, with rape of some schoolgirls, murder of 15 priests and 100 people in a church by the Revolutionary Front of East Timor), everywhere the same story. But it isn't on the newspapers or in homilies. And of course, it is not compensated by the conversion to Christianity in Egypt (where preaching and having Gospel literature is forbidden) of 20,000 people in this century.

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